Design the Modern Board competition!

Open Call! Annual SOS Outreach Design the Modern Board competition with Design Within Reach (DWR) and K2 Sports. The winners from both the Seattle and Denver competitions will see their designs produced by K2 on a 2010 snowboard! Submissions will be displayed at the DWR Seattle & Denver events on March 27 and will be judged by attendees.

Intent to submit deadline: Friday, March 6, 2009, 6pm
Submissions deadline: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 10am
Judging and event: Friday, March 27, 2009, 6-9pm

Intent to submit to the DWR Seattle Studio must be emailed to no later than March 6 with your name and/or company name. Physical submissions must be received at the Seattle Studio no later than 10am on March 26.

Download submission guidelines, board template, K2 logo, SOS Outreach logo & DWR logo.